Our SaaS metrics dashboard is simple and easy to use. Track 20+ SaaS metrics and benchmark your financial performance against your B2B SaaS peers.
We partnered with RevOpsSquared.com to provide the latest SaaS metrics benchmarks.
Upload your historical metrics by month with a simple CSV upload. Or enter them via a dashboard. You can be up and running in 30 minutes or less.
Share your dashboard via a private URL with your executives, Board, investors, and potential investors. No need to create user accounts or pay for ready-only accounts. Revoke the URL at any time.

SaaS Metrics Charts
Chart each SaaS metric. Compare against our B2B SaaS benchmarks or create your own benchmarks.

SaaS Metrics Dashboard
Display your metrics on an easy to read metrics dashboard. You can view by month. Color code your metrics performance against our benchmarks or yours.

Metrics Notes
Write relevant notes for each metric by month. This can be how the metric is calculated and/or notes on how your SaaS company is performing.

Share Your Dashboard
Easily share your dashboard and charts with your executives, Board, investors, and potential investors. Each dashboard generates its own private URL which can be shared. No need to add users or pay more for additional licenses. Revoke access at anytime and create a new link.